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Gluten Free Cook Books
Situated on the Euro influenced Park Road, Arrivederci Pizzeria is a dynamic family restaurant renowned for its Italian cuisine. Acclaimed for its spirited soccer fever, Arrivederci brings a sense of uniqueness and diversity to the Park Road experience. The famous 1-metre pizza first made its mark on the pizza scene in 1980, opening its doors on the Gold Coast. Travelling from the Gold Coast to the heart of Brisbane, a second restaurant opened across the road from the current pizzeria. Three years later, in 1993, Arrivederci Pizza Al Metro opened, being the first pizzeria to serve pizza by the metre in Brisbane.
Owners Franco and Rita retired in 1999 selling Arrivederci Restaurant to their son David. The tradition of the Silvestri family spirit shines through its 27-year family ownership.
The Pizzeria is well known for its association with football [soccer]. An appreciation of soccer teams around the world can be seen through the interior décor of the vibrant pizzeria. This multi-cultural ambiance creates a celebratory theme for soccer culture. Football games [Seria A, Premier League, Champions League and Internationals] are often displayed on the big screen. Soccer fans, and even ROAR players are well known patrons in the soccer atmosphere of the pizzeria.
The pizzeria is always full when games are played at Suncorp Stadiums, so bookings are always recommended. Arrivederci also delivers to the Milton area at lunch with a minimum order of $50.
We are the only pizzeria to serve pizza by the metre. So relax, have fun and enjoy.
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