
So, you know that this site is about restaurants, cafes, bars and food producers, and the people behind them. But, you want to contribute, and you're unsure about what's allowed. Well, there aren't many rules, and they are pretty simple. They are just to ensure that the site works well.

The 6 Rules

  1. If you see something you want to change on a page, feel free to change it!
  2. If you want to add a new page, feel free to add it!
  3. Write from a fact-based, neutral point of view, e.g. no reviews.
  4. You may write about yourself or your business if you're involved professionally in food or drink, but see rule #3.
  5. Do not plagiarise, e.g. no copy-and-paste from other sources.
  6. Write for an English-language audience.

If there's a dispute about anything, Cathy and Andrew will be the final arbiters.

Also, as this site is hosted by Wikidot, please respect their terms of service.

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